Utopias in Latin America: Past and Present

Utopias in Latin America: Past and Present 
Juan Pro, ed., 
 Sussex Academic Press, 2018

Introduction, Juan Pro (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)

Chapter 1. Utopia in the Spanish Language: The Origin of a Word, the History of an Idea, Juan Pro

Chapter 2. How to Do Things With Utopias: Stories, Memory and Resistance in Paraguay, Marisa González de Oleaga (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain)

Chapter 3. Vasco de Quiroga rewrites Utopia, Geraldo Witeze Jr. (Instituição Federal de Goiás, Brazil)

Chapter 4. Where Is Columbus’s Helmsman Taking Us?: The City of the Sun by Tommaso Campanella as a Utopia Critical of the Iberian Empires, Carlos E.O. Berriel (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brasil)

Chapter 5. Utopian Imagination Across the Atlantic: Chile in the 1820s, Carlos Ferrera (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)

Chapter 6. Cabet’s Utopia, from Minorca to Argentina: Bartolomé Victory y Suárez, Horacio Tarcus (CeDInCI – Universidad Nacional de San Martín – CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Chapter 7. The Utopia of the “Latin Race”: Michel Chevalier, Victor Considerant and Public Debate in Spain Concerning the Intervention in Mexico (1861–1867), Nere Basabe (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)

Chapter 8. Rhodakanaty in Mexico, Carlos Illades (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico)

Chapter 9. The Cecilia Colony: Echoes of an Amorous Utopia in the Libertarian Press, Laura Fernández Cordero (CeDInCI – Universidad Nacional de San Martín – CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Chapter 10. Technologies of the Afterlife: Spiritualism and Social Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Mexico, Ana Sabau (University of Michigan, USA)

Chapter 11. Universopolis: The Universal in a Place and Time, Andrew Ginger (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)

Chapter 12. The Commune in Venezuela: A Utopian Prefiguration , Dario Azzellini (Cornell University, USA)

Chapter 13. Walking towards Utopia: Experiences from Argentina, Marina Sitrin (State University of New York, Binghamton, USA)

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